Saturday, September 27, 2008

I'm so sick!

I feel like I've been hit by a bus!


Hubby and kids are taking great care of me. However, they all want me locked safely away in my room so they don't get sick.

I snuck out though.

I'm feeling better than yesterday. I was even lightheaded yesterday. But some nyquil last night and some robitussin today and I'm leaning towards feeling human again...barely...but I'm on my way.

I'm going back to bed.





Night night


Mrs. Aleisha Brixius said...

Oh NE NE!!!

I'm worry your wick (with a stuffed nose). Womething's going around. I hope you feel better woon.

Tim - has had a cold for 3 weeks now and can't kick the cough part. I hope you don't have that one.

Should I bring you some chicken noodle soup?

Jen said...

Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear that you weren't feeling good. I hope you're feeling better now!

Mrs. Aleisha Brixius said...

You need to blog tonight!

Mrs. Aleisha Brixius said...

I'm still waiting for a post!!