Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I love camping!!!

Someone asked me today what my normal day looks like when I'm camping. So, I went about sharing with her my day, and boy did I ever feel lazy, and pampered. My husband babies me way too much. I really love camping and I think I realized why when I told all about my days!

Anyway, we went camping last weekend at Splash Magic in North Umberland. We really love it up there. There is loads for the kids to do. They never stop going. In fact, sometimes Myrena gets so worn out that we have to make her come into the camper and relax for a bit. She'll get so grumpy and cranky but she doesn't want to stop. She might miss something I guess.

When we got there we always get the kids activity passes. They are good for mini golf, bumper boats, paddle boats and bike rentals. There is also a pool there that is just fantastic. And they have constant organized activities. It's one of our favorite places to go. (Leish, you so need to go there!)

I'll add some pictures when I'm not too lazy to resize them all. Blargh!

I've got to work on my website. It's so outdated. I think I'm going to take the whole thing down and redo it. And I might just start today! LOL Why not, I've got nothing better to do until Big Brother comes on at 8:00! My favorite show next to Survivor!

Oh, and I'm reading an excellent book. It's called "A World Without End" and for the life of me I can't remember the author. Shoot. It's the book after "The Pillars Of The Earth". Ken Follet! There, I knew I'd remember it. Both books are really good and out of the norm for me, but I really am enjoying them. It's even too hard to describe what they're about. But they're so interesting. I love reading about how people did things before there were all the handy things we have now to make work so much easier. The books are quite addicting.

I haven't finished my second Market bag yet. I don't like the way the handles are supposed to work so I took them off and I'm trying something different. It probably wont' work and I'll have some more useless bags laying around but whatever. I think I might make something felted for a change. Maybe this pattern, but felted would be good. Yeah! That's what I'll do. Did I already mention that somewhere? Probably. So like me to come up with an old idea and think it's great only to realize I've thought of it before and thought it was great then too.

I'm rambling.

I should go take that website down. Yup! Think I just might do that.


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