Monday, June 16, 2008

I'm just sayin'...

I hate flies. They really bug me. There is one buzzing around the office right now. It keeps doing kamikaze runs by my head. Argh!

I'm trying to work on DVDs of the dance recital. I have the first half completely done and I have to say, it rocks. It's so awesome. And I have a lightscribe dvd burner, so I can etch the labels (lables??) right on the disc (why doesn't that word look right? I hate that!) and I have to say again, they rock! I took this awesome picture at recital practice. The kids had their tap shoes all lined up on chairs in the hall and it was begging for someone to take a picture...and I did.

Was I wrong? IT turned out so cute that I used it as the picture for the label (lable? GADS, they both look wrong....guess I've got to bust out the spell checker.) I also used it as the DVD menu but I turned down the opacity a lot and made it sort of dreamy looking. Very cool effect if I must say so myself.

Okay, this was just about the fly in the office. I've got to go finish the DVDs. They're screaming my name....really....they are.


1 comment:

Mrs. Aleisha Brixius said...

awesome photo!! Have fun with your labels!!!