So Aleisha tagged me. Thank God she's the only one that reads this blog! LOL I wasn't allowed to clean anything before I took the pictures. You'll see that I certainly did NOT clean anything before I took the pictures. Argh. I need to go clean my house now.
1. Dream Vacation
That would have to be Australia! I'd love to go there and this is why.
This is Byron Bay! Gorgeous!
2. Self Portrait
Blargh! I look horrible. LOL And what is up with my mile high forehead? Has it always been that big? Geez. Is there surgery to correct that? I suppose not.
3. What the kids are doing right now...
This is what Aaron is always diong. Well, most of the time. He has time limits and when he isn't doing this, on his off time, he's reading. His desk is a mess. I need to mention that to him. The rest of his room is amazingly clean for a boy though. I mean, seriously, I should have taken a picture of that. His bed is even made. LOL He jumped a mile out of his seat when the camera flashed. He didn't know I was taking a picture and I scared the bejeezers out of him.
Chelsea was watching music videos. I told her about when I was her age MTV had just come on the air and it was all music videos and music news. That's it. She was shocked and said she wished it were like that now. She loves watching videos.
Myrena and Sara are playing Bratz. They have such fun with these dolls and they always clean it all up when they're done. They do a good job down there. Our playroom is in the basement. I wish I had more room to give them to play, but that's what we have. They don't seem to mind much.
4. Closet
Blech! I hate my closet. They are too small and not enough of them. I'll show you my bedroom closet, but I warn you, I keep the curtain closed for a reason.
We have to have a curtain on it (not really even a curtain, it's a sheet and a tension rod) because we had to take the door off since the bedroom is so small and our bed is so big. But I love our bed and would never part with it. Notice the garment bags....they're full of dance costumes from recital. I haven't put them away properly yet. I'll deal with that when I need the garment bags for new costumes. LOL!
5. Favorite Room
(photo coming...I'm upstairs and forgot about this one when I was running around taking pics...)
Hmmm, that would have to be....I don't know. Right now I don't really have a favorite room. I guess my dining room since we just painted it and it looks all nice now. I have to get something on the walls for decoration but I'm just no good at that.
6. Favorite shoes
(I forgot about this one too. I'll get a picture and put it in here...)
Any that fit right now. My feet and legs are swelled to unnatural size and I can't put my feet into anything but my ratty camping shoes. The sneaks with no backs!
7. Laundry room....Leish, you cannot even complain about your laundry room! This one takes the cake I'm sure. It's a crazy mess down there and at the moment, Mark was working on the freezer so it was doubly a mess.
Geez there is crap everywhere! Argh! This weekend coming we are pulling the trailer up out front and emptying most of what is in this dungeon into it to go to the trash heap. It's a horrible mess. I know I should freecycle it but honestly, I just need it gone. I do love my washer and dryer though.
8. Bathroom.
I do like my bathroom. It's small but we just remodeled it and I love the colors we chose and the way everything came out. It's a mess right now. Proof that I didn't clean anything before I took the picture.
It's really tiny...I mean...really!
Okay, the toilet paper is supposed to be under the sink and the rolls we are saving for Kids and Cultures. They're doing a craft at their camp and they need over 200 of them. I don't think we'll be able to provide them all, but we'll do our part to help out! *grin*
I just love our new sink. It's my favorite part of the whole new room. Of course right now it's covered in things that shouldn't be there, but hey, what do you expect with three kids, two of which are teenagers? Do you like the bead board (is it called wainscoting?) it was a pain in the butt to paint but I love the way it turned out. I love the color too. Mark frowned at me when I picked it, but he liked it too when it was on the walls.
9. Sink!
OMG, I can't believe I took this picture. I do the dishes after dinner, and we haven't had dinner yet. Sooooooo, there are still dishes sitting there. Argh! As you can see from my ancient sink, we haven't yet remodeled the kitchen. It's on the list, but it still needs sooooo much work we need to save some money for it first.
9. Refrigerator
Hmmm, what do you say about this. It's a fridge. AT least there isn't anything moldy.
I don't know anyone that blogs so I can't tag anyone, but hey, it was fun! Thanks loads Leish for making me aware of just how dirty my house really is! LOL Love ya! Loads! Really! I swear! No, really! Loads! *grin* *wink*
Thanks for playing along. I love your washer and dryer and your bathroom sink!!!!!
Isn't it great living in a city row home. There is never enough room!!
I'm going to post you on my blog!!!
I had to leave one more comment because I know you want to see my face one more time
OMG - I forgot to mention MTV!!! I remember the days of just videos and news. We didn't get cable so I had to watch it at my friends house.
LOL! Leish is a total crack up! I came over here as I saw your link on her blog! I LOVE YOUR BLOG! You crack me up as well! I agree with the whole MTV thing, it's funny how when we were young they actually had videos eh? Anyways, I enjoyed my stay. I'm the one that tagged Leish for this, so it's fun to see where this has gone! My laundry room is a total dungeon!
Oh, and if you're bored and happen to click my link, you'll notice that my main blog is private. Feel free to drop me an email and I'll invite ya over. It's nothing special, but at least you'll have 1 more blogging friend!
I'm shutting up now! I like to talk hee hee!
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