Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My eyes are crossing...

...seriously, they are.

I've been working on the recital dvds for two days now and seriously...

Just seriously...

That's all I can think to say. They are really cool though and I already have several orders and three people already brought payment. So I've got to try and get them done quickly so I can get them out.

I'm still trying to find cases to put them in. Ack. It's really hard to find double dvd boxes. I found them at Staples online, but GADS, shipping is 9.97 for my 15.98 order. Are you kidding me? If I order over 50.00 then shipping is free, but there isn't anything else I need.

I'll have to find them elsewhere I suppose.

Back to work *whip crack here*

1 comment:

Mrs. Aleisha Brixius said...

You such a slacker! Get back to work. I'll post you on my site - maybe you'll get some new blogging buddies. I only have like 4. My one friend gets like 15 comments a day on her blog. I guess they like her more. :-(